ReIGNITE Hope 3G uphill MIG Test


"ReIGNITE Hope offers vocational welder training free of charge to former gang members, ex-offenders and the homeless"

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Practice piece with Saw cut gaps


The AWS D9.1 sheet metal welding code includes an uphill 3G open root test on roughly 1/8"  thickness using GMAW-s. (short circuit mig welding).

It is a simple test compared to thicker multiple pass welds but is kind of a tricky test because there is a fairly narrow range of settings that will yield good results.

This single pass uhill mig welding test is used by Reignite Hope ( a non profit that provides welding training for free to people who have lost hope in life).

This test is both a stepping stone and a confidence builder for folks who need a little help to get back on track in life.

Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

As with any welding certification test there is a WPS (welding procedure specification) that lists essential variables.

Fortunately, its not a hundred things to focus on to pass this test

It boils down to just a few key things.

  • Settings that are pretty close
  • Stickout
  • technique
  • gun angle
  • travel speed

Steve Sent me the Welding Procedure Specification and here are the main points


17-19 VOLTS

70-85 AMPS

.035" ER70S-6

C25 GAS (75ARGON/25CO2)

Process for adjusting settings

I felt like 17 volts was going to work but I just needed to find a good wire speed setting.

So I tried 17 volts and 150 inches per minute for the first weld and while the penetration was ok, the front side was not uniform.

So I bumped up the wire speed to 155 inches per minute to see if that got worse or better.

Things seemed to get worse, not better but that was exactly what I needed to see. I reduced wire speed to 144 inches per minute and that seemed to help with the excess reinforcement on the front.

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