Weldingtipsandtricks.com recommends Hobart Welding School


Hobart Welding school also known as HIWT (Hobart Institute of Welding Technology), is a quality welding school. Why? Because Vice President-Ron Scott is all about Quality, that’s why! Mr. Scott is not only a previous instructor at HIWT, but he is also a graduate. Being left-handed and realizing the world is not very accommodating to left-handers, Mr. Scott wasn’t satisfied upon certifying in all the processes left handed. So he then started over and went thru the training again right handed. That’s right; I said he went thru the complete program again!

Vice President of Hobart School of Welding (HIWT)

Ron Scott is at the top of his game and that kind of focused dedication is what keeps HIWT at the top of the heap also. Graduates of HIWT typically have employers waiting in line to hire them, and that is a very good thing.

HIWT has a great reputation. But not only do they have a great reputation, they have a great facility and great instructors as well. One of the instructors-Elmer Swank, contributes articles to Practical Welding Today and other online publications that offer practical as well as in depth answers to welding questions submitted by real welders.

HIWT offers all kinds of services related to welding training. One of the services Hobart School offers is weld testing services. They employ certified level 3 NDT technicians as well as AWS Certified Welding Inspectors to perform both destructive and non destructive tests on certification test welds for both performance qualification and procedure qualification. Companies can send welds to Hobart school to be tested to qualify procedures and/or welders. The pricing is very competitive (lower than most weld test labs) and results are communicated to the company that submitted the tests as well as being archived in the Hobart welding database. They have the capability to perform bend tests, x-ray testing, charpy v notch, metallographic testing, and more. HIWT is top notch but I really have to say what makes it top notch is the people.

To Learn more about HIWT click the banner below

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