Perplexing Problem

by Jack Textor
(Des Moines, IA)

First, thanks for such a great site! I just purchased a Miller 165 and learning fast.

I was doing some practice welds on joining 2 - 1"x 3" x 1/16th " in a 120 degree corner joint.

Like the peak of a roof.

I was using 3/32" ceriated. While welding the top of the peak everything went well.

When I tried the underside my arch wandered and then started sputtering or kind of arcing,

That's about the best I can explain.

Can you help?
Thanks again!


jody here from

It sounds like you are welding on top of some really oxidized metal. TIG hates it...and its not really good practice because its so frustrating. The good news is that its nothing you are doing wrong.

whenever you weld over top of the back side of a tig weld that was not shielded with argon, it needs to be sanded shiny.

even then, it wont weld as good as new metal.

its best to just get a new piece.

good luck bro,

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