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Welding bicycle tubing (thin) Columbus Zona

by Lorenzo
(Torquay, Australia)

Hi, I am welding very thin bicycle tubing (.8mm) something that most people are brazing. But I really want to tig it.
The Tig I have is a UNIMIG 180-p inverter.
Could you suggest how I should set up my tig.
I have been told to use a 6mm ceramic and 1mm tungstens.
Is this correct.
What kind of filer wire will work best.
i have had small go with the 1.6mm tungsten and 8mmm ceramic
using 1.6 mm filler wire es702?
Thanks Lorenzo



I looked up your tig machine but was unable to really learn much about the pulse feature.

I saw that it has a high pulse and low pulse.

I think the high pulse setting will help your application.

the other parameters and filler wire type and size you are using seem pretty good.

Purging the inside with argon is probably not necessary but will help the welding a lot.


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