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6g Tig Root Pipe welding Tips Video

Need some tips for passing your 6g weld test?...for a 6g tig root pass?

I hope I have just what you need in this video that shows tips for the root pass using a 1/8" (3.2mm) gap and a 1/8" (3.2mm) er70s-2 filler rod.

  • It all starts with the prep.
  • Make sure all mill scale is removed anywhere near the weld area and that anything that is in the weld area is shiny bright metal.
  • pay close attention to the fitup...get the gap right and make sure there is no mismatch. aka hi lo.
  • use either a welding rod or piece of flat stock and get the gap right.
  • while tack welding, make adjustments to amperage.
  • make dry runs to ensure you are comfortable welding from tack to tack...do this several times before striking an arc.

The technique used in this video is called "lay wire" and it involves having a gap that is just tight enough to not let a 1/8" wire to slip thru...along with laying the wire right in the gap and bearing down on the tip of the rod with the tip of the electrode.

I used 120 amps, a 3/32" 2% lanth electrode, and a 1/8" er70s-2 rod to weld this 6g tig root.

One tip that I am sure some will disagree with is not feathering both sides of all the tack welds.

Hey I am just showing something I have found to work. Its not the only way and if you find something that works better, I hope you will share it with the rest of us.

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other tig welding techniques that work for a root pass 
Another technique that works is using a 1/8" (3.2mm) gap and 3/32" (2.4mm) rod. With this technique the edges are melted to form what looks like a keyhole. …

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