Need some tips for passing your 6g weld test?...for a 6g tig root pass?
I hope I have just what you need in this video that shows tips for the root pass using a 1/8" (3.2mm) gap and a 1/8" (3.2mm) er70s-2 filler rod.
The technique used in this video is called "lay wire" and it involves having a gap that is just tight enough to not let a 1/8" wire to slip thru...along with laying the wire right in the gap and bearing down on the tip of the rod with the tip of the electrode.
I used 120 amps, a 3/32" 2% lanth electrode, and a 1/8" er70s-2 rod to weld this 6g tig root.
One tip that I am sure some will disagree with is not feathering both sides of all the tack welds.
Hey I am just showing something I have found to work. Its not the only way and if you find something that works better, I hope you will share it with the rest of us.
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